5th World Hopi Prophecies…C#ovid

5th World Hopi Prophecies…C#ovid

By Shaman Patrick McBride 

5th World Hopi Prophecies…C#ovid 

For years I have heard of the 5th world prophecies, the Hopi nation have been speaking of it in oral translation for about 1,000 years. Stating that at this time the third generation of the white eyed children were to incarnate back in and resolve a great upheaval, that was to affect the entire plant for the same reason, therefore unifying us in a common wound . The last time we had something like this was the Younger Dryas Comet, and before that the flood. When the Hopis made the predictions it made a lot of people nervous, due to their previous accuracy. But instead of a planet's obliteration the C#ovid seam to reach every inch of the planet's doings. The effects this illusionary disease had over the whole world changed everyone, basically for the same reason, circumstances may have be different , but that's all!.  I can't help but think and believe that the great upheaval was indeed the planet's lockdown redirecting like a great catastrophe had hit ! The Hopi prediction was something that was not touchable or tangible but effective and right just the same, yet you can not touch or see it. This crisis brought up man's big fear of death and people went insane . The part of the world that has overcome this fear watched the rest and the powers that be close down the planet due to a denial about something that is going to happen for sure… we are for sure all going to die !

The physical form we occupy has a deep knowledge of its temporary existence in the 3rd dimension,  we the spirit, is infinite and the body is not.  C#ovid is a virus ? NOT! It's not harm that has gripped the planet, it is the fear of harm. This illusionary danger has the planet frozen in fear. In a way it seems we are being spared a great upheaval, but the death count over the coming years will thin the plant out anyway. As if a great tragedy had happened, it did! And yet it was an illusion!

The preceding worlds before the 5th world mark huge blocks of time that were ended abruptly by big floods, comets and other radical earthly shifts, as mentioned we were given a grace the Myans had dialed this era  into the Photon fusion that happens every 12-13 thousand years due to a phenomena called Presession. Adding this to the 5th world we have a huge passage before us. Precession is a 26 thousand year cycle that measures earth connection to the star Alcyone, the Heart of the Pleadians, she is our Grandma. Kiowa holy men and women see the era as the time of the wobbling pony, after the upheaval eventually we will come to our feet just like a wobbling pony . 

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