alchemist mystic healer farmer


Stepping into crone seams to have given me more permission than ever to be myself, almost as if i am just getting started in life. with 62 times around the sun & living through my second Saturn return this is the gate way to Crone. My journey feels like 5 life times all rolled into one, the wisdom, knowledge and connection to all that is, is poured into this literal cottage buisness and every bottle at Narayan beauty & wellness...welcome to my world , kick off your shoes and stay bit .

I invite you into my world to pull back the curtain and see who we are , we are American made and grown with the spirit of small entrepreneurial cottage business . We care how your products are made . We care for the wellness of humanity. We care to contribute to this evolutionary time !

As a women I walk my talk ~(this photo is 6 months old, i have on lip balm & mascara ) I chose years ago to age with grace & dignity. I live a very natural and whole life, the products I make are the products I use. I do not have any icky stuff in my face or body ~ i always find my cure for what ales me in mother nature, energy work, meditation or deep rest ~ if none of the above do not work ~ Tequila

As the wearer of many hats~ I am forever the student & the teacher ~ I was once told I am and ancient soul with a young spirit ~

mother nature rules


Its a calling and a labor of true love, as many of you might know if you have just a few potted plants or a full on farm, it calls to you. There are days I step out into the garden and i am consumed by the feelings of a connection so vast and awe inspiring i just can't leave. I tend this garden myself with such reverence & devotion I hope it comes through each potion and you feel the love I have for this place in nature

I refer to our space as a Garden or if I want to feel big in my boots a micro farm. With just under a 1/3 of an acre it is amazing how much one can grow, we now organically grow over 30 different herbs & botanicals, all medicinal & aromatic. This year we built a Green House as I call it, it is more of a drying room and atrium I find myself sleeping out there in these hot summer nights. We grow for several purposes, the main reason is for the Hydrosol, we also use these organic botanicls & for tinctures , and coming soon powdered dried individual herbs for tea or be your own alchemist. Over the years we have gently reformulated the Beauty Blends to include botanicals from the garden.

organic botanical alchemical art


With the wisdom of mother nature, and the understanding that 70% of what you put on your body enters the blood stream with in minutes ...yeah let that sink in, cause your skin care is .

When I put my alchemical artist hat on i formulate with this knowing, I decided from day dot, (2005) that I am going to create a line of Beauty Blends that would not only give you glowing skin with natural, organic botanicals & no icky stuff, no matter the skin type or skin issues, from Graceful Ageing to Acne Remedies , Sensitive Rosacea to the elimination of skin Kancers with Damage Control even my Super Natural aka Notox Botox , the first of its kind. I also create them to affect positive change on the mind ~ the physical body & spirit. Creating more space for the presence of your spirit in your life. When your mind & body are in harmony your spirit is more present !

I believe very passionately in the use of essential oils , The molecular structure of these aromatic compounds is so tiny they enter the bloodstream with in seconds. The medicinal power of EOS when formulated correctly bring about healing of many types of skin disorders as well as pain, relaxation, inflammation etc. EOs are the most potent way to receive mother nature. The aromatherapy affect is ancient and true.

I have alchemized 8 different Essential Oil Blends that make up the Beauty Blend Collections each blend is a collection of its own that benefits you both internally and topically~ mind~ body~spirit

We are handcrafted~ in small batches~ 100% Organic~ NO water~ 100% active ingredients ~ No icky stuff in our Beauty Blends~none nada zero!

wellness alchemy from the forest & the garden


May 2021, with the release of the bioweapon and the shedding of spike proteins and a note from Great Spirit we jumped in the wagon and drove up the Mt. , Pine Mountain to harvest Pinon Pine, distilled it knowing it is 30 times more potent then a cup of tea, bottled it up put it on the site and spammed the socials, working hard to get this remedy into as many hands that want it . To date we have sold 10s of thousand's of the Pinon Pine Gold Hydrosouls world wide.

I took a strong stance March 2020 when I was told I was not essential to my local farmers market and was not allowed in as a vendor. My strong sense of knowing kicked in and I knew that what we were being told was not true, now as i write this September of 24 my deep sense of knowing has all come to be the truth.

As BIG Pharma falls I am here to pick you up, I am so inspired to create wellness potions to bring you mother natures healing , not the poison being sold as medicine

I know with out doubt there is a cure for everything in nature and I am in constant pursuit to bring that too you

fresh from the garden


If ever there was a remedy that bridged healing and beauty it is The Hydrosols, These aqueous waters have become what i believe the medicine of the future, for both internal and external the potency level being 30 times more than a cup of tea yet gentler by far than an essential oil. this allows them to be safely taken as medicine under the tongue or sprayed directly on the body. One can really feel the essence of the plant as plants are the original frequency medicine.

We organically grow and distill 30 herbs & botanicals for this very reason they have become a passion project that I believe will one day be common known medicine bridging the gap between healing and beauty

I put this info on the about page because they are a huge part of Narayan Beauty & Wellness we take great care to grow harvest and distill these healing waters for you !

its not over


Where does it start and how does it end, when was that moment I decided to go it out on my own and create this world of Narayan Beauty, its always one thing leading to another and making hard choices amongst ones daily routine of life that seamlessly weaves this journey together. Some stand out moments would be , being born into the beauty industry, my father owned a salon & was a hair dresser in San Diego CA. At the age of 20 I became a manicurist as my father left the beauty industry . I worked in some sassy salons became well know for my work and my mouth . 94 moved to Los Angeles accidently became a celebrity manicurist , represented by a world renowned agents' who booked me for major work like Vouge magazine or glamming a celeb up for the Oscars.

2003 ish as Celeb manicurist I developed a line of nail hand & foot care products for a Major Shopping Network, by 2005 I had wiggled myself out of that contract, as I could see the trajectory of my life and it may have been filled with $$ but I was owned by an entity I did not want to be a part of.

It was then I the started crafting the first iteration of my Beauty Blends in my tiny Hollywood apartment . I had no money and was purchasing one ingredient at a time so I could develop the 9 products I had created on paper. By 2010 I had finally developed a full line of of Beauty Blends face, hand & feet, body

Jan 11, 2011, for those who like numbers moved to Ojai CA lived in a 10x10 "cabin" with in a year I was invited to sell at the Farmers Market, so I did, it was a great run for 8 years. March 2020 booted out of market due to being "non essential"

May 2021, wild harvest Pinon Pine distilled and bottled it up, slammed socials, a 20 year over night success.

Today summer 2024 small plot of land, farming herbs and crafting potions of beauty and wellness. I scrubbed feet for 33 years and through the journey of working on people I became a healer through a spontaneous awakening of kundalini 25 years ago, gifted me with insight, heart and healing of others.

I have since the age of 20 been self employed , I have had no investors, no trust fund, this has been a boot strap fly by the seat of my pants kind life... wouldn't want it any other way~ sovereignty

alchemical art


Renaissance ~ as the world is facing its own renaissance , and as i worked on this new site i wanted to call upon a time in history where the art represented beauty~ Beauty is a Virtue, when i stumbled upon Amy Salomones works of alchemical art I immediately knew i want to fill my site with her works of alchemical beauty.

The images are created to capture the essence of each collection / essential oil blend. Working with Amy is a JOY! she brought to life the feeling I wanted for each blend!

To pick a favorite, well I just can not, so scroll through the site and enjoy . you can find her on the gram, like i did

@ forms_most_beautiful

ps. photo credits narayan