March 2020 was another life changing event, I say another because we all get these life changing moments, and there surely is more than one a life time, its the spiral of life, its gateways and rites of passage.  March 2020  was a world wide rites of passage, for myself and this small solo~preneur business, I lost my weekly gig at my Local Farmers Market in Ojai CA, many of you on my email list know me from there. Over the next weeks turning into months upon months,  living in the Mystery was a rollercoaster of emotions thoughts, fears and just wtf is going on and will this ever end, I was truly left adrift in the mystery where faith with a deep sense of knowing was the only paddle keeping me a float .

May 2021 was another life changing event, the 12th to be exact, less than 10 days prior I learned of Pine being a remedy for the spike proteins, I turned to a dear friend and asked where do I get Pine, well, he had been waiting for those words to spring forth from my tongue, as he had been given guidance as to this endeavor , he knew that Pine was going to be a part of my Alchemy in the coming weeks. And so we jumped in the vehicle, traveled up the hill to where he knew there was an abundance of Pinon Pine, Pinon Pine farther then the eyes could see. We had spent time in these hills in the months prior, little did we know at that time these majestic tress of peace would be the medicine the world would need . 

I knew exactly what to do once we got down the hill, I fired up my little 10 liter glass distiller, loaded it with the Pinon Pine. While crafting up a label, I swooned in the essence of the Pinon Pine as it filled the air, it cleared my mind, brought in a laser sharp focus, yet grounding and kind. I Hand pored the batch of Pinon Pine Gold Hydrosoul, labeled them, took a photo, edited it on my phone,  posted on the website then slammed it all over the socials. It was pass midnight by the time I was done, I shut down the computer, closed my eyes and slept like I knew I had done something right and good for the world. When I woke, well as they say, the rest is History.   

Over the next days, weeks and now months,  I fielded phone calls and emails from around the world meeting like minded, spirited people from all faiths and walks of life, even sharing a meal face to face with some of you. I've purchased 2 more much larger distillers to keep up with the orders, letting go of my healing room to give space for a shipping room, hired 4 amazing women to help in the endeavor of bringing healing and peace to the planet. The knowing that this humble cottage buisness is having an impact globally brings an incredible amount of satisfaction and grace into my life, as I enter my second Saturn return (60 go rounds the sun ). Its never to late to start over, its never to late to take a stand and live in your truth and allowing Great Spirit to guide you through Great Mystery. 

I know many across the world are being challenged in ways they never saw coming, and so I am Giving Thanxs to all of you and of course the Pinon Pine, the women who work hard with me and for you, and that Dear friend who lead me up the hill. So please go take 20% off your order, as a cottage industry my margins are not that of big biz so discounts are not something I can generally do. Yet, the best way for me to Give Thanxs is to give back to those who support me and that is you my customers/friends.  

Thank You from my Heart to yours,  my new Global Customers/friends & to those I haven't seen locally in quit awhile.... 

be well , be beautiful 

much love 

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