




A Protocol for Parasites & Spike Proteins

WORMWOOD Tincture~Tripple Extract Plant Medicine  2oz $48.00

PEACEFUL PINE TEA with TrifectaGold 6 oz, 36 servings  $38.00

purpose: Kills Parasites' aids in Digestion, Protection and rids the body of spike proteins, flush out parasites' post die off, 

A Powerful Plant duo to kill off and flush out Parasites' & Spike Proteins and replacement for Ivermectin 

Current research has shown that the spike proteins behave a lot like parasites' in that they tend to proliferate on the full moon , just as parasites lay their larva on the full moon. The over usage of Ivermectin is creating a resistance and a need to stay on this pharmaceutical. Similar to antibiotics, long term usage or going off an on this pharmaceutical, destroys the balance of friendly bacteria in the gut and through out the body. 

The Protocol, Daily for 30 days slather belly with the Wormwood Tincture and or  2 droppers under the tongue . 1 cup of Peaceful Pine Tea daily. In the following next 2 months, 3 days before and after the full moon for a total of 6 days, repeat the protocol.

Wormwood, Artemisia absinthium, is one of the most bitter medicinal plants in the world. The bitter compounds in it are responsible for the plants’ therapeutic properties. 

Narayan has taken her alchemical wisdom and crafted a Tincture of Wormwood, using 3 different extraction methods and marring this trinity for a full spectrum plant medicine.


As the name implies, Wormwood is a very effective herb against worm infestations, parasites, especially roundworm and pinworm. Wormwoods anti viral properties have been very effective in these current times. It is primarily used to stimulate the digestive system. It’s particularly helpful in indigestion, especially the kind caused by low amounts of gastric juices. Due to its high bitter contents, wormwood has been used traditionally as an anti-depressive, it has nervine properties that bring a sense of peace to the body. Bitter compounds improve the mood and cause alertness. Ivermectin is derived from Wormwood.

 Artemisia-based products have demonstrated a broad spectrum of biological ability including antiviral properties. Besides its antiviral activity, Artemisia annua have shown to contain appreciable amounts of minerals such as zinc, gallium and selenium among others.

Used internally and externally for:

  • Eliminating worms & parasites 
  • Anit~Viral
  • Stimulating the appetite
  • Regulating the appetite (take after a meal)
  • Gastritis with acid deficiency
  • Chronic gastritis
  • Bile duct disorders
  • Gallbladder stones and infection
  • Liver ailments
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Flatulence
  • Depression
  • Anemia
  • Debility
  • Irregular menstrual cycle

INGREDIENTS: Fresh Wormwood organically grown from Narayans Garden, MCT( fractionated coconut oil) , Jun Kombucha( green tea honey) Wormwood Hydrosol, OrmusGold, Sunflower Lecithin.


Due to its labor inducing properties, wormwood should not be used during pregnancy.
Do not use wormwood if you have stomach and intestinal ulcers.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.


PEACEFUL PINE TEA with TrifectaGold 6 oz, 36 servings 

PURPOSE: To rid the body of spike proteins and flush out parasites'. For a calm clear mind, body, & soul.


  • Removes and protects against spike proteins 
  • Reduces inflammation in the body 
  • Clears and cleanses the aura and energy field of 5G, EMF & WIFI Frequencies.
  • Rich in Suramin & Shikimic Acid as well as VitC
  • Relaxing
  • Calms the nervous system 
  • Mental clarity  
  • Aids in a good night sleep
  • Both Pinon Pine and Star Anise are evergreens, they bring a super amount of antioxidants into your body  
  • Opens & clears the lungs
  • Supports the healing of colds, flu, sinus issues
  • Aids in a strong cardiovascular system 
  • Immune Boosting
  • Brings about a peaceful mind and an open heart to raise your vibe & frequency
  • An excellent companion to the Wormwood Tincture to flush out parasites 

Drink to your health and longevity of life. Pinon Pine is an Evergreen known for giving a long and healthy life, rich in naturally occurring Suramin & Shikimic acid & VitC just to name a few. Narayan  has blended it up with organic Star Anise & organic Fennel seed. These longevity herbs are also rich in Suramin & Shikimic acid. This herbal blend is potenized with TrifectaGold to amplify and aid in maintaining a healthy body, a calm & awakened mind, and the peaceful essence of the soul. 

Pinon Pine is part of the Evergreen family and can be found in various regions including Nevada, western Utah, California, and Northern Arizona. In the Great Basin, archaeological evidence indicates that the range of the Pinon Pine expanded northward after the Ice Age, reaching its northernmost (and present) limit in southern Idaho about 4000 BCE. When burned, Pinon energetically creates a peaceful and inviting environment. Pinon Pine is used in Native American sacred ceremonies to clear the air, heal, balance energies, provide mental strength, and support fertility. It’s used to clear and balance one’s aura and energy field. The Pine is also commonly used in healing ceremonies and invokes clairvoyance, compassion, and spiritual strength. The Pinon Pine contains an abundance of benefits including the following: immune boosting, rich in Suramin, energy field protection, graceful ageing properties, fights infections, bacteria, and parasites, while also being known for treating respiratory infections like pneumonia and influenzas. 

Star Anise (Illicium verum) is an evergreen tree that originated in Vietnam, Laos, and China. The Star Anise pod, which is shaped like a star, has an average of eight points, each containing a single pea-sized seed. Shaped like an 8-pointed star, Star Anise corresponds directly with energies of the micro and macrocosm, stability and expansion, and connection to divine information. It means that Star Anise is perfect for increasing connection, divine healing and protection, and increased success in lucky endeavors. Both the seed and the pod contain healing properties including the following: antimicrobial and antibacterial activity, antioxidants to boost the immune system, shikimic acid, anethole, and linalool. Shikimic acid is an antibacterial that fights against the flu, anethole is an anti-inflammatory with anti-diabetic traits, and linalool promotes calming, anti-inflammatory properties. 

Sweet Fennel is a flowering plant species that is within the carrot family. This perennial herb has yellow flowers and feathery leaves and is indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean; however, Sweet Fennel has become widely naturalized in many parts of the world, especially on dry soils near the coast and on riverbanks. Fennel was used by the ancient Egyptians as a food and medicine, and was considered a snake bite remedy in ancient China. During the Middle ages Fennel was hung over doorways to drive away evil spirits. The flowers, leaves, and stems of the plant are all edible and contain an essential oil that that can help clear congestion and many of the other symptoms associated with colds, flu, sinus issues, and bronchitis. Sweet Fennel essential oil contains anti-inflammatory properties and expectorant actions that loosen the mucus from the nasal passage and the respiratory system.

Let this blend of harmonious and powerful ingredients bring your body to a state of complete peace and well-being! and rid and protected against those spike proteins 

Ingredients: Wild Harvested Fresh Pinon Pine Needles *Star Anise *Fennel seed *OrmusGold. (* denotes organic)



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