
5th World Hopi Prophecies…C#ovid

5th World Hopi Prophecies…C#ovid
by Shaman Patrick McBride ...The last time we had something like this was the Younger Dryas Comet, and before that the flood. When the Hopis made the predictions it made a lot of people nervous, due to their previous accuracy. But instead of a planet's obliteration the C#ovid 
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PINE NEEDLE TEA: A Viable Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission

PINE NEEDLE TEA: A Viable Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission
In April 2021 I discovered the Pinon Pine was an antidote to the spike proteins of the serum transmission,  after doing extensive research and listening to many of the Dr.s on the fore front of the antivaxxx movement, I went to work distilling, formulating Pinon Pine along with other herbs and oils to aid in blocking spike proteins. I feel it necessary to share with you just a small bit of my research,
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